Find Practices With Services For Anti Fat

Therefore, after treatment, a regular exercise program and good nutrition are critical to maintaining results. There are many areas that can be treated by Lipodissolve such as double chin, jowl area, underbelly, Loverbelly, love handles, outer thighs, inner thighs, upper arms, Saddle Bags and bra-line. Fat dissolving injections are a product which contains deoxycholic acid and helps absorb fat in food. The product is injected into the fat in the double chin area and permanently destroys the fat cells by a process known as adipocytolysis. Once the fat cells have been destroyed they cannot store fat again.
Like dermal fillers, Fat Dissolving Injection procedures take approximately minutes and patients have up to 50 small injections during one treatment session. A template is applied to the target area to ensure even distribution, whilst avoiding anatomical landmarks A series of small injections are administered. When injected correctly, all the healthy wrinkle fillers Sydney cells around the submental fat, remain intact and unaffected, as well as nearby nerves and muscles. With proper care and precision, the chin and neck area can be effectively treated – resulting in a slimmer chin profile. Lipodissolve is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction to remove localised fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Patients having facial treatments for a double chin or facial fat will have extensive and unattractive swelling and may wish to stay off from work 3-4 days although this is not necessary. The normal time for swelling and soreness to disappear is one week. Fat deposits above the knees and the face and neck can be treated. The most common areas that are treated are; abdominal bulges, love handles, back fat, saddle bags, thighs , buttocks, arms, double chins, cheeks and jowls. Injected more superficially, Lipodissolve can also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Lipodissolve results in a loss of on average 2.5 cm of fat for every 100cc of the treatment medication administered.
The third session can involve up to 2,500 mg of PPC total body dose. After 3 treatments around 70% of patients notice a real change. The first session is necessarily a careful treatment with a low dose . An average of 40% of patients notice a real change after 2 treatments. We can treat your face, to remove double chins and jowling, for a better shape.

Fat Dissolving Injections are suitable for both men and womenover the age of 18. Ideal candidates will have to have excess fat under their chin, which could either be from weight gain or genetics. Dr May Marr is a graduate of Flinders University Medical School and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Dr Marr provides best practice, advice and treatment in the areas of injectable rejuvenation.
The potential side effects include the risk of minor bruising, swelling and soreness in the treated area. These side effects may be at their peak 48 hours after the procedure and resolve within two weeks. The active ingredient that makes the fat cells melt away is called Phosphatidylcholine (“PPC”). It causes lysis of the cell walls, allowing the fat inside the cells to be released, metabolized and excreted by the body in urine.
The procedure is seldom very painful, with exception to somebody areas and body types, which may cause a bit more ache after therapy. Common side-effects are some light burning in the area injected, bruising, swelling and aching. Women should avoid Lipodissolve right before and during their period, as this will increase the sensation of discomfort dramatically.

Our staff will personally take the time to educate you and enable you to make the right choice, based on your unique requirements. We will discuss all of the options available to achieve the most desirable outcome for you. We know everyone is unique and deserve their very own approach to their skin treatment. So whether you need some advice or are ready for treatment, we invite you to make an appointment today so we can assist you in experiencing a positive journey to better skin and a more confident future.
This has become a very popular non-invasive method to gradually remove fat. As an enthusiastic and passionate Registered Nurse with extensive experience in cosmetic medicine, Patricia is committed to the provision of high quality, evidence-based and safe cosmetic medicine services. Committed to a safe practice, Patricia ensures that patients are sufficiently educated in all aspects of their treatment to feel confident about undertaking any procedure.
Competitive prices & Zip Pay available. In clinic Non-Invasive Lipodissolve Mesotherapy Treatments

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